
Hi I am Angela De Palma founder of Vision Accountable. As a personal brand consultant, and business coach, I am passionate about helping you clarify and become accountable for the achievement of your vision and goals, in business and life. My mission is to transform potential into reality. (Wasted potential is intolerable to me).

I am proud to be recognised as a sought after personal brand strategist and coach that sees things in clients and their business they could not see, producing transformational shifts in personal identity, reinvention, empowerment, business strategy and results. 

As an entrepreneur and startups expert, I have been involved with and created many different start-ups over my (twenty plus year), business career. I even manufactured and launched a supplement on Amazon US (https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B07C17SYM3) including other products. I have set up many, many brands and developed expertise in branding.

During Covid, I took a gap year from running my business full time, and worked as a career coach for the Australian Institute Of Professional Counselors. I launched their brand new role and created a nine webinar training series called Work Ready. I also conducted group and one on one career coaching. That is where my passion and knowledge for Personal Branding got solidified. (I had already been working with real estate agents creating personal brand content). My next part time role as Vocational coach for Carers Queensland and more recently in 2023, business mentoring for the federally funded coaching program, the Self Employment Assistance Program, gave me great exposure to the not for profit sector.

As a self-taught entrepreneur and professional coach I have had to be meticulous when it comes to building my own personal brand to secure jobs and opportunities, competing against people with degrees and qualifications. 

My very first personal brand website catapulted my confidence. I would like to help other entrepreneurs and professionals experience the same transformational shifts and results that Personal Branding delivers.

I got the job (out of forty seven applicants) at the Australian Institute of Professional Counselors without coaching qualifications based on testimonials and intellectual property and easily exceeded in the role. One of my clients even emailed the CEO out of the blue, with a raving testimonial about my training, coaching and enthusiasm.

I won a marketing award in a practical MBA program competing against large companies.

I was shortlisted for a local business award for customer service in my first year of coaching in 2018.

Prior to coaching I worked as a business consultant in outsourcing to the Philippines, setting up business systems, marketing, business strategy and recruitment. I created an online course on outsourcing to the Philippines which was successful at helping my clients overcome outsourcing pitfalls. I delivered many live webinars and talks on outsourcing. I was an early adopter back in 2010, before the industry took off. I travelled to the Philippines and have worked and recruited hundreds of virtual assistants.

My experience at Carers Queensland was especially life changing. I was deeply touched and privileged to hear first hand experiences of women on the poverty line facing extreme adversity, caring for high needs children with disabilities, elderly parents and sick husbands. Many of them were single mothers. Being able to coach and support them to make changes was extremely rewarding. This experience strengthened my resolve to make an impact to support and advance women, by offering affordable healing, coaching and community, under the one umbrella. 

In 2022 I started creating my membership community, called She Simply Impacts www.shesimplyimpacts.com. In February of 2023 we launched. The model involves a collective of coaches, healers and women in business who support and coach our female members to heal, emerge, thrive and make a positive impact. We do this through live transformational group coaching sessions. The results for our members have been truly transformational. We had a face to face launch in July of 2023 which was one of the highlights of my career. 

My values are leverage, freedom, transformation, connection, harmony, authenticity, creativity, life long learning and integrity.

I am committed to help you align your personal fulfilment with business success to maximise freedom and happiness.

My number one priority is to do a brilliant job for clients, helping you achieve visibility and concrete business growth. I will push you out of your comfort zone and be honest. I strive to always be authentic, empathetic and build genuine relationships based on deep life long connections and integrity.

For fun, I go to cafes, meditate, read, exercise, write poetry, spend time with my partner Kevin and with friends and family. I am a self published poet of a motivational book called, Poetic Release From Negative thinking, available on Amazon.

I am committed to your dreams coming true. When you engage me I will back you like you have never been backed before. I believe that with the right strategy, accountability structures and emotional support humanity can reach its full positive potential, one individual at a time. I want to be remembered for spreading joy, positivity, possibility, belief and creating pathways.

Your success brings me joy and I am excited to work with you and have you in my community.
