Standing Out From Your Competition


Right now I am niching into Digital Marketing Agencies for certain services that I offer. 

As I plough through websites of companies in this niche I am struck by how unimaginative they are when it comes to succinctly conveying their expertise and authority. Most of the websites blend into one.

Some of them rely on testimonials of happy customers and name dropping of clients they have worked with, very few manage to convey their point of difference, and many others simply convey very little about what makes them different and why we should trust and work with them. 

We all know that we have little time to capture prospects attention when they come to us online. 

In my opinion this is some of what is missing (not from all but from a lot):

✔️Video to easily connect with the people behind the brand

✔️Links to social media for the same reasons as above

✔️Very ordinary social media content which is current and up to date

✔️Niching instead of trying to be everything to everyone

✔️Educational Articles to highlight expertise

✔️Case Studies 

✔️Direct response copywriting which speaks into the pain points of their target market

✔️Making it easy to see at a glance what makes you different from your competition

✔️A call to action.

Despite what industry we are in, this stuff applies to all of us in business. 

Standing out is more and more vital as the market place is more and more noisy.

If you would like a FREE strategy session to discuss all or any of this and how to apply it to your business, reach out.

Angela De Palma