The Advantages of Niching


The Advantages of Niching

✔️you can direct your marketing message and create content that speaks to the people you serve

✔️makes it easier for prospecting

✔️sets you apart from you competition who don't do this

✔️helps your clients find you

✔️helps your network bring you introductions

✔️helps you become an authority as the more you work with your avatar the more you learn about them and how to help them

For myself personally I think my reluctance to narrowing down was because of the following reasons:

😰fear of alienating other potential clients that I can just as easily help and serve

😰I was not sure who to focus on, so in other words, lack of clarity

Tips To Finding Your Niche:

✔️start out broad initially

✔️work out who is drawn to you and through working with them, are they are good fit, do you love serving this group

✔️research is there a gap in this market in your industry for this niche (are there many other competitors serving this niche and if so perhaps keep investigating)

✔️are there a lot of them, is it a potential bottomless pit, (you want the answer to be yes)

✔️be flexible, it might not be what you think, keep investigating and trying new things

✔️be patient it can take a while to get it, but once you do it becomes easier and easier


It is only through action and persistence in changing your approach, that you will ultimately succeed, (if your attempts feel like they are not working out.)

Ultimately the market will guide you as to where the gaps are that you can leverage.


That has been my experience.

If you need any help with this reach out. I offer a free strategy session which is 95% value and 5% introducing you to my services.

Angela De Palma