Tackling The Important But Not Urgent With The Help Of Accountability

The problem with the important tasks, but not urgent ones, is that we simply just don't get around to doing them.

They are not an immediate priority, and clearly not urgent today.

So when a friend rings to invite us out, or a new client calls for a one-off session of course, we are going to say yes.

The problem is, that the important thing on one level is still an energy drain, it is hanging over us until we do it.

Energy drains are more impactful than we realise and often we only realise once we finally get around to doing the important task. The completion releases amongst other things:



But the rewards of the relief and freedom can often take months and months (and sometimes years in chronic cases) to actualise.

Tackling the Important but not urgent is an area where accountably really comes into play.

I hear it from my clients and prospects time and time again, the weight they carry from ignoring these tasks, and it can get pretty heavy.

If this is you, and you are carrying this energy drain day in and day out, hopefully this post will motivate you to take ACTION and be the master of your time, and not the victim of it.

ACCOUNTABILITY is a powerful force and often the life blood.

Make sure you have the structure of accountability in place, not only in your business, but in your life as well. Reach out if you are interested in finding out what accountability options are available.

Angela De Palma