“How will I survive over Christmas” - you’re not the only business who has thought this..

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For those of us that work in business services generally over the Xmas period things start to slow down. 

And of course taking time off is really essential for recharging and reflecting and regrouping. 

My journey to mitigate the slow time has been to develop complementary brands and within those, programs and services that have different cycles. 

Here is how the mix works in my business:

Go To outsource: 

Higher end consulting and coaching for specific niches such as digital marketing agencies

Soon to launch a new program designed to teach the successful Outsourcing skillset from A to Z, outline all outsourcing options (as one size does not fit all), and enable participants to buddy up and share virtual assistants, in a group Group Coaching environment.

Vision Accountable: 

Business Accountability Coaching all year round

Goal setting programs/workshops ramp up from Nov right through to end of January (The-How-To-Get-What-You-Want-System)

Habits program good time to ramp up over Xmas/New Year period as people reflect on their New Year's resolutions leveraging FB ads.

After 20+ years in business, I’ve seen and felt this 20 times over... so I’ve learnt that we need to be swift and adjust our approach if we are to survive before we thrive in the new year. 

With this length of experience I’ve also learnt a thing or two about how businesses can leverage many untapped resources that newer businesses just don’t see. 

If you’re an established business but haven’t had a conversation with someone who’s been in business for many decades, I’d love to offer you a complimentary strategy session where I can help you see what opportunities you might be missing. Message me about this as I’d love to chat.

Angela De Palma