Refresh your Personal Brand and LinkedIn Profile: Training, Coaching, Implementation and Accountability Program.

Refresh your Personal Brand and LinkedIn Profile: Training, Coaching, Implementation and Accountability Program.


Refresh your Personal Brand and LinkedIn Profile.

Are you an Expert, Leader, Professional, Solopreneur

or Entrepreneur looking to advance your career or business.

Are your goals any of the following:

-To get promoted

-Increase your income

-Change jobs

-Be more fulfilled at work

-Pivot in your career or business

-Start or grow a business or team

Have you refreshed and updated your personal brand and LinkedIn profile in line with your current goals?

If the answer is no, are you ready to update them?

Can you relate to any of the following:

- Are you unfamiliar with LinkedIn and how to apply it to achieve your business or career goals?

- Do you struggle knowing how and what to say about yourself?

- Do you lack some confidence when it comes to self promotion?

- Are you interested in learning more about Personal Branding and LinkedIn and how to use it effectively to achieve your goals?

- Do you know what to do, but don’t give yourself the time to actually do it and could use some accountability around completing the tasks required to be ready for marketing.

If the answer is yes, join my Refresh Your Personal Brand and LinkedIn Profile, training, coaching, implementation and accountability program.

What does the course cover in 5 recorded sessions:

Session 1: Goal setting and achievement

Session 2: Target Audience and the benefits of Niching

Session 3: Values, Vision, Mission, Passion, Core Beliefs

Session 4: Career narrative, bio and elevator pitch

Session 5: LinkedIn profile best practises and optimisation

What does the course include?

- A workbook to consolidate and set your 12 month short, mid and long term goals

- A refresh and rearticulation of your vision, mission, passion, core beliefs and your values

- Strategies around your career narrative and how to connect the dots for your target audience

- Linkedin profile best practices and optimisation

- Accountability to implement the homework

What you come away with:

- Clarity and Confidence

- Refreshed and up to date Linkedin profile

Bonus 1

Two 1 on 1 Personal Branding & LinkedIn marketing strategy coaching sessions

Location: online via Zoom

Investment: $600

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